Course Features

Success in Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis depends on two key components: The right knowledge and the right tools. Combine that with Functional Lab Analysis's prestigious certification, and you have a recipe for success.

Learn how to take the most commonly ordered diagnostic test in the world — a simple blood test — and turn it into an invaluable source of actionable insight into your patients. Throughout the 3-months Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Mastery course, you’ll learn how to analyze over 100 biomarkers and major dysfunctions that plague your patients. With this knowledge, you’ll be equipped to deliver better health outcomes to your patients and generate follow-ups as your patients return to track their progress toward optimal health.

The FLR is a blood chemistry analysis program based on Functional Medicine, this blood diagnosis tool acts as a helping hand to categorize and read patients' blood work like a pro. When you register for the Certification program, you’ll get a 12-Months Professional Unlimited Plan in the FLR Platform for free!

A certificate will be provided at the end of the 3 month training programme As a Certified Functional Lab Analyst, you’ll enhance your clinical offerings and apply cutting-edge methods and strategies to lab tests for more accurate results.

Your Instructors

We are a group of passionate professionals brought together by a shared goal of helping people live with chronic conditions through the science of Functional Medicine

Who can enroll?

A Program For All Healthcare Professionals

Whether you’re a student, Doctor from any field, Nutritionist, Coach, a solo practitioner expanding your services, or an experienced practitioner wanting to continue your education, the FLA program offers something for everyone.


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Browse Our Training Track Modules

Your practice’s future of accurate functional blood analysis is just 12 weeks away!

1: Introduction to Blood Testing & Functional Approach

Introduction to the fundamentals of FLA and go over the best methods for analyzing your patients' blood test results.

2: Blood Sugar Regulation

In this module, We'll take a look at the soaring cases of diabetes and obesity and discover how Functional Lab Analysis can best flag major blood sugar issues before they become disease and also blood sugar regulation issues and uncover the metabolic patterns linked to each stage.

3: Thyroid Function

In this module, We'll review the biomarkers and essential ratios that you must run to assess your patient's thyroid problems and examine the role each of these biomarkers play in the metabolic patterns of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and autoimmune thyroiditis, while learning how to detect these conditions before they manifest into full-blown disease.

4: RBC Cell Function & Nutritional Anemias

In this module, We'll review red cell function and physiology through the lens of Functional Lab Analysis. Explore nutritional anemias and the three minor causes of this condition.

5: Nutrient Deficiencies

In this module, we'll take a look at functional problems associated with vitamin and mineral deficiencies that can be detected with blood tests.

6: Liver & Gall bladder Function

In this module, you'll understand the depth of the functional physiology of the hepato-biliary system.You'll learn key indicators of oxidative stress and how to identify them, you'll learn how to use Functional Lab Analysis to uncover systemic toxicity and heavy metal body burden.

7: Cardiovascular Function & Inflammation

In this module, you'll take a comprehensive look at cardiovascular risk and inflammation. You'll explore the biomarkers from a standard blood test that are independent risk factors for early cardiovascular disease and the role that inflammation plays in cardiovascular dysfunction in the body. We'll take a look at apolipoproteins and the specialized biomarkers in lipid profile that play in uncovering lipid-related coronary heart disease.

8: Immune Function

In this module, you'll go through the function and physiology of the immune system. You'll dive into how to identify the biomarkers that relate to the immune system and how to assess them for immune dysfunction, allergies and immune over-activity.

9: G.I. Function

In this is module, you will dive into the physiology of digestion, absorption and excretion to better understand how these processes affect blood work. We'll break down dysfunctions and how the role of blood test biomarkers play in uncovering common dysfunctional metabolic patterns for your patients.which play a role in hypochlorida, H. pylori, gastric inflammation, pancreatic insufficiency, dysbiosis and intestinal hyperpermeability.

10: Kidney & Adrenal Function

In this module, You'll explore renal anatomy and physiology and learn how to differentiate kidney dysfunction from kidney disease and functional physiology of adrenal glands.

11: Sex Hormone & Prostate Function

In this module, you'll take a look at the functional physiology of female and male sex hormone regulation and sex hormone biochemistry, and learn how to uncover hidden causes of female and male hormone dysfunction.

12: Putting It All Together

In this final module, we will review all the information from previous lessons and how they all correlate together. You'll learn how to use blood testing for foundational care, take a look at cash flow in practice, explore how Functional Lab Analysis can become a profitable income stream and assist with treatment planning. Finally, in our case studies, we will show you firsthand how to unlock the wealth of information within a blood test.